medium:"Silver, enamel, coral, amber, glass, shell, coins, seed, plant fiber"
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Ear pendants (tiboukaria)
showing 1 results matching medium:"Silver, enamel, coral, amber, glass, shell, coins, seed, plant fiber"
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Silver, enamel, coral, amber, glass, shell, coins, seed, plant fiberexpand_more
The Christina N. and Swan J. Turnblad Memorial Fundexpand_more 91.141.12
These large ear hoops have enameled pendants, making them too heavy for earlobes. Instead, Muslim and Jewish women usually tied them to cords they attached to their hair. The circular niello designs are created by applying a black metallic compound to line-engraved surfaces, a technique introduced around 1500 by Jewish artisans from Andalusia, Spain, to the Anti-Atlas region of Morocco.